It was announced at our meeting tonight that our CO (who is actually a pretty good sort) and his wife have been reassigned as regular pioneers. They are both relatively young (50s) and have been used extensively by the society recently. As far as I know there are no personal issues. Any other examples recently? Is it to make way for the ex DOs or is there another change on the way?
Saltheart Foamfollower
JoinedPosts by Saltheart Foamfollower
Circuit Overseer cutbacks?
by Saltheart Foamfollower init was announced at our meeting tonight that our co (who is actually a pretty good sort) and his wife have been reassigned as regular pioneers.
they are both relatively young (50s) and have been used extensively by the society recently.
as far as i know there are no personal issues.
How much longer for the congregation book (sorry bible) study?
by Saltheart Foamfollower inafter the recent decision to ditch the cbs during the circuit visit, i've started wondering if it is the first step to losing it altogether.
at the current rate, the draw close book will be finished at the end of next year.
based on the way things are going, even the most recent publications will be out of date by then (acts book and organization brochure were out of date when studied) so what is the point of doing them.
Saltheart Foamfollower
I pretty much agree with DesirousOfChange - something like the old instruction talk will be brought back - much easier to control and no need for costly new books every other year. It is hilarious how they release a publication one year and the next year, before it has even been used, parts of it have had new light shone on them. With a talk it would be easier to keep the information up to date - maybe an online only publication as source material.
How much longer for the congregation book (sorry bible) study?
by Saltheart Foamfollower inafter the recent decision to ditch the cbs during the circuit visit, i've started wondering if it is the first step to losing it altogether.
at the current rate, the draw close book will be finished at the end of next year.
based on the way things are going, even the most recent publications will be out of date by then (acts book and organization brochure were out of date when studied) so what is the point of doing them.
Saltheart Foamfollower
After the recent decision to ditch the cbs during the circuit visit, I've started wondering if it is the first step to losing it altogether. At the current rate, the draw close book will be finished at the end of next year. Based on the way things are going, even the most recent publications will be out of date by then (Acts book and organization brochure were out of date when studied) so what is the point of doing them. I think they may be considering producing a schedule for family worship evening - a book to study, highlights and then some time for whatever head of family decides. The question box on last week's service meeting seemed to acknowledge that their have been problems with the dumbing down - kids brought up don't understand any doctrine. At one time the group study was where deeper things were studied but since that went, nothing is done in any depth.
If the cbs does go, what will happen to the rest of the meeting?
...The WBT$ Theft of Kingdom Hall Bank Accounts and JW Elders...
by OUTLAW in.. the new wbt$ donation arrangement/ jw kingdom hall bank account theft... is a very hot topic right now... the wbt$ is literally going to clean out kingdom hall bank accounts,filled with donations from jws... that theft is going to happen world wide..the wbt$ is going to steal from 7 million plus jw`s... .. we have jw elders here on jwn,that know whats going on... they "serve" in kingdom halls,they are "supposed" to be looking after the welfare of the average jw... they know there is a 4 page letter,only one page will be read to the congregation..the rest will be kept secret... they know the wbt$ is about to steal jw donations..on a world wide scale!!!...
.. i would like to know what you active jw elders are going to do about this??!!...
are you going to let "your" congregation know about the other 3 secret pages?...
Saltheart Foamfollower
As a serving elder and occasional poster here, I have been watching with growing horror at what is being done. Here in the UK, we haven't had any letters since the original one read out to the congregation and in particular nothing saying we can only retain a certain amount. I suspect that the charity laws here are proving to be a bit of an obstacle (never thought I'd like red tape) but I'm sure the branch are working on it - maybe make it a "suggestion" then enforce it during the co's visit, maybe change the congregations constitutions (could be messy) or maybe water down the instruction in some way. For the record, all my cong has done is to modestly increase its regular donation. No slips handed out. No mention of sending a one off donation.
If (or when) the new arrangement comes in here, I'll put my arguements against it, but ultimately I agree 100% with Outlaw - I'll resign.
Midweek Meetings no longer Necessary
by Tech49 ini am sure we have all seen the recent letter to the boe concerning the change that will take place to the meeting arrangement during the week of the co visit.
to recap the basics: the meeting that usually contains the cong bible study (book study) and a co talk will be discontinued, publishers are encouraged to use their family worship night that week to cover book study material.. so here is a point that i think has been missed, or not even considered:.
if that particular meeting is hereby deleted from the schedule, the co and his wife will never ever have to participate in or go to another "book study", or "bible study" night again.
Saltheart Foamfollower
If everyone is supposed to be having a family worship night on the Thursday, the CO can't have meetings with elders etc that night. Maybe they'll say that the CO should sit in on a family worship night. That'll make it even harder to get families willing to have them stay.
The Watchtower - getting the science wrong for 100 years (at least)
by Saltheart Foamfollower indid anyone else spot this on the back page of the feb study watchtower (just finished it today).
there is a proud display of clips from the photo drama and they have selected one showing a "gigantosaurus - 160ft long- the largest animal known".
from what i've researched, no such dinosaur existed (though in 1914 they may have thought otherwise) most people know that the blue whale is the largest animal that has ever existed, so the question is; why did they choose this clip?
Saltheart Foamfollower
Did anyone else spot this on the back page of the Feb study watchtower (just finished it today). There is a proud display of clips from the photo drama and they have selected one showing a "Gigantosaurus - 160ft long- the largest animal known". From what I've researched, no such dinosaur existed (though in 1914 they may have thought otherwise) Most people know that the blue whale is the largest animal that has ever existed, so the question is; Why did they choose this clip? Is someone on the inside trying to find incriminating pictures? Is it just unlucky incompetence? Unless it is deliberate, showing it displays a pretty poor knowledge of science (as if that's a surprise to any of us)
Letter to BOE: Adjustment in process for appointing elders and ministerial servants
by pixel inhello, you read it here first!.
governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
to all congregations.
Saltheart Foamfollower
Just a couple of quick points - does this mean that current elders & mss wont be viewed as appointed? If so, will the next visit involve a review of every current appointment (and if not, why not based on this letter) Anyone here around in the early 70s when the elder arrangement came in - were all existing appointees reevaluated then?
Miami Has New Young Partakers
by James Jackson insnapper creek (miami, fl) congregation, had 2 pioneers (female), partake at the memorial for the first time.
one is 20 years old, the other 23.. the gt delayed again!!
Saltheart Foamfollower
There is a cong in the north east of England which now has 4 partakers - had none 5 years ago.
Oh come on!!! seriously?? This weeks wt study!
by stuckinarut2 ini'm sitting here at the mtg, and i can't believe the mind numbing stupidity of this weeks wt "study"...( i use the word study loosely too by the way...).
how many dumb repeated questions can be posed to try and make a point?.
the opening paragraph illustration re blindness is classic!
Saltheart Foamfollower
So far I seem to have got away with referring to it as the "generations" teaching.
Anyone else notice that there were supposed to be three reasons why we are near the end, but only two were in the review questions - yes the generations weren't mentioned again evidently (a word which can be used to "prove" almost anything) cos nobody could explain it.
Anyone been watchtower conductor
by Saltheart Foamfollower ini think there is a good chance i'm going to be asked to be the watchtower conductor.
on the one hand, i'll find it quite difficult some weeks having to go along with what is written.
on the other hand, there'll be opportunities to ask controversial questions (within limits).
Saltheart Foamfollower
Wow I feel like I've made it now - Outlaw's posted to my topic
Thanks everyone for your comments. I'm going to re-read them a few times before I decide what to do. I probably wont be asked now.